Master of Business Administration at St. Thomas University

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St. Thomas University

Shelly Grant, an implementation specialist with extensive managerial experience, is an alumna of St. Thomas University in Miami, Florida. With a master of business administration and a specialization in international business, Shelly Grant has built a successful career in the fields of sales and management.

St. Thomas University’s Master of Business Administration program strikes a balance between management’s qualitative and quantitative qualities. It was created for students who are currently serving in, or plan to serve in, managerial positions. To this end, the program is available to both part-time students who may have other career responsibilities as well as full-time students. Participants in the program may elect to receive a general MBA or one with an intensive specialization.

Areas of concentration students can choose from for their specialization include accounting, cyber security, data analytics, international business, sports administration, global financial management, global marketing, human resources management, and trade and logistics.

Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce Offers iConnect Initiative

Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce pic
Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce

Shelly Grant is a business professional with nine years of experience in sales and management. She is currently an independent insurance broker with Old American, Kansas City Life, and WRL. A Lauderhill, Florida local, Shelly Grant is a member of the Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce.

One of the many initiatives of the Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce is iConnect, a program designed to connect local businesses to international opportunities. Businesses looking to expand into global markets, as well as businesses currently taking part in international activity are welcome to join iConnect. In doing so, companies looking to invest in the Fort Lauderdale area can source goods or services from a business in the iConnect directory. Likewise, companies hoping to expand can network with international businesses to promote their goods and services.

Members of iConnect can advertise their business in the directory, utilize a search tool to find what they’re looking for, receive notifications of events that match their interests, and attend iConnect functions.

Two Serving Grips to Consider in Tennis

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Tennis Grips

Outside of her work as a financial professional, Shelly Grant has a passion for sports. In addition to following her favorite team, the Miami Heat, Shelly Grant enjoys playing a match of tennis when possible.

There are two types of serving grips in tennis. The Eastern forehand grip, also known as the “shake hands” grip, produces flat serves that barely clear a net. To position your hand properly, put the palm of the hand you intend to serve with on the racket strings. Slide your palm down to the handle and close your hand as if shaking hands with the racket. As you practice serving, be mindful of the tension in your fingers. The grip works best with less strain.

To add spin or a slice to your serve, consider the continental grip. It requires placing your hand 45 degrees counterclockwise from the position of the eastern forehand grip. You will notice the face of your racket tilts slightly upwards, which adds spin to a ball when contact is made. The grip’s versatility does give you an option to serve flat, if desired. This can be achieved by striking the ball further back in your swing.

Three Tips for Cooking Perfect Lamb Chops

Lamb Chops
Lamb Chops

A financial professional, Shelly Grant dedicates her days to serving clients at Principal Financial Group. In her spare time, Shelly Grant enjoys cooking and prefers preparing lamb chops.

When cooking lamb chops, keep the following in mind.

Resting. Prior to going in the oven, lamb chops should rest at room temperature for a minimum of one hour for optimal results. After cooking, the chops can be left in an oven set to low to keep warm until you are ready to serve.

Pan Size. Achieve delicious browning by selecting a pan large enough to cook the chops. For four lamb chops, an 11-inch frying pan is suitable. This ensures no crowding occurs, which is a key component for browning.

Cook Time. On medium-high heat, lamb chops take approximately seven minutes to cook on the first side. Pressing them gently into the pan with a pair of tongs helps to evenly brown the meat. Then, flip the meat and repeat the process for an additional three to five minutes, depending on the size of your chops and the temperature preferred.